Print & Canvas Pricing

Professional Print Pricing
Lustre- UV coated canvas textured prints

Prices are before Utah State Tax of 6.85%.
Prices are subject to change at any time. Once you have booked your session your price will be locked-in.

Wallets- $12
4X6- $8                                      *4x6, 8x12, 16x24, 24x36
5X7- $15
8X10- $20                                    (are full frame images)
8X12- $25
11X14- $40
10X20- $55
16X20- $75
16X24- $80
24X30- $135
24X36- $140

*All prints 16X20 and higher come mounted.  For long lasting durability with your wall prints.

*Custom CD case and CD- $50

Print Packages

Package A-  $50 ($66 if purchased separately)
2- 4X6's
2- 5X7's
1- 8X10

Package B- $100 ($126 if purchased separately)
2- 4X6's
2- 5X7's
2- 8X10's
1- 11X14

Package C- $180 ($209 if purchased separately)
2- Sheets of wallets
2- 5x7's
2- 11X14's
1- 16X20

Package E- $200 Gift Package (you save $50)
2- Sheets of wallets
4- 4x6's
4- 5x7's
4- 8x10's
Set of 3- mini accordian books
(Perfect gift set to get everyone on your list!)

Press Printed Products
* 3x3 Mini Accordian Books (set of 3)- $60
* 5x7 flat double sided photo cards (set of 25 w/envelopes)- $50
* 5x5 trifold double sided photo cards (set of 25 w/envelopes)- $75
* 5x7 Desk Calendar- $30
* 11x17 Wall Calendar- $60

Check out my blog for images of all press printed products

Collage Wall Sets{click on title for wall options}

* (comes with everything you need!!!  Includes wall template guide, pegs to hang, and beautiful images on 2mm black styrene)

1.5' x 1'     wall templates- $100
1.5' x 1.5'  wall templates- $115
2' x 1.5'     wall templates- $160
3' x 1'        wall templates- $160
2.5' x 1.5'  wall templates- $185
2' x 2'        wall templates- $200
3' x 1.5'     wall templates- $200
3' x 2'        wall templates- $250
4' x 1.5'     wall templates- $300
4.5' x 2'     wall templates- $350

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