Saturday, July 27, 2013


I announced a few weeks ago that changes were coming to Sassafrass Photo: As a photographer I have decided to cut back on my work load and truly focus on my passion. After looking at things I have decided to cut WEDDING and NEWBORN sessions. Sassafrass Photo will now only offer CHILD, FAMILY, and SENIOR sessions. I have enjoyed all of the wonderful wedding and newborn moments that I have been a part of, so thank you to all of those clients! I hope this change will allow me to spend more time with my own family and let me focus on the photography I am most passionate about! 

With this change comes a new easier pricing and picture guide. I will offer both Classic and Miniature in all sessions.  Below is an easy guide to show what the difference is, and exactly what you get with each!  Thank you for your support!

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